Chicago Evening

August 18, 2011
Dress – courtesy of UniQUEEN, a new online shop launching soon! Or if you must have it now, order this $66 dress by emailing [email protected]
Belt – J.Crew (similar here)
Trench cape – Stella McCartney (similar versions here and here)
Bracelets – J.Crew and courtesy of Towne & Reese
Ring – H&M (similar here and contemplating picking it up!)
Heels – Miu Miu (similar here and here)
Purse – Celine (similar here)

Work has been incredibly busy this week!  Colleagues working remotely joined us for a day in the SF office, a team dinner and a professional development seminar the following day.  I’m the type to soak in everything a motivational speaker has to say – positivity is contagious!  Aside from learning a few excellent tips and tricks next time I travel for trainings, I’m also going to try starting my days with “it’s going to be a GREAT morning!”

(It just might have a positive effect on my snooze-button tendencies…then maybe I can set my alarm like normal people do – at the time they want to actually get up.)  😉

And on that note, hope you have a GREAT morning too!